Some people were wondering what all the fuss was about regarding Capcom's ‘big reveal' on the Xbox 360. Not what you would expect though; no HD remakes or a new exclusive 360 game of some sort. Instead, Capcom revealed that Monster Hunter Frontier Online will be available on Xbox Live Marketplace sometime this year. You can check out the newly created page for the game on Microsoft's Japanese website.


Monster Hunter Frontier Online was originally released on the PC back in 2007. If you don't already know, the Monster Hunter games are extremely popular in Japan, and this might be a way for the 360 to increase its fanbase in the country. The actual reason, though, is because of the "high development cost of titles for PS3." Apparently developing the MMO for the 360 was not as costly as it was to make for the Playstation 3.


Capcom will be adding new features such as new guilds, over 4,000 new weapons to choose from, new monsters, regular patches that will include additional armor, items, and many more. As of this week, Capcom has not confirmed any plans of releasing the game in Europe and North America.


[UPDATE]: According to Famitsu, players are required to purchase the Hunter Life Course coupons before they can jump in the game. The tickets costs roughly about 1,400 Yen ($15), and good for a full month plus an additional 30 days for Xbox Live Gold. Also, Microsoft is planning to give away Xbox Live Gold memberships for every subscription towards Monster Hunter Frontier. The original PC version of the MMO costs just 1,400 Yen.


David Gabriel, NoobFeed

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  • *not that jealous because of MH3 on the wii*

    but it's a freaking monster hunter MMO, nobody should complain if it's a port or not. does anyone know if the PC one is pay to play?

    Posted Jan 29, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS: I would guess it's pay-to-play, since the Xbox 360 version will include Gold Membership. The monthly fee is about $15 I think; but unsure if it is the same for the PC version.

    Posted Jan 29, 2010

  • I would rather wait and see although I have big faith on Capcom!!!

    Posted Jan 30, 2010

  • @azn_pride - well, some games are free to play and get their income on gold memberships and premium items... but i doubt that's the case... well, there's always monster hunter 3 :P

    Posted Jan 30, 2010

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