Capcom has been pushing up new gaming content recently. Mega Man 10 coming out on March, new DLC and a ‘Gold Edition' for Resident Evil 5, jet-pack-filled action with Dark Void (in stores now), and an 8-bit DSiWare title to follow that up, called Dark Void Zero. And what's more; Capcom is also about to reveal another 360 title in the coming week.


A new image teaser on Microsoft's Japanese website shows: "Capcom x Microsoft" in the center, with the January 26, 2010 date right at the bottom of it. On the bottom right, it reads: "Capcom title premiere for Xbox 360."


So what could be the supposed ‘big reveal' be? Tune in next week to find out.


David Gabriel, NoobFeed

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  • Hm, I am really anxious to know and I do hope that it turns out to be a multiplatform release.

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • FetusZero will dance after reading this. Though he already knows Mega Man 10 on its way.

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Definitely exciting news

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • lol Sleven, yeah Megaman 10 is due in March :] but I'll get it on PS3 because X360's controllers D-Pad is the worst D-Pad in gaming history ;p

    But who knows.. it could be an entirely new Megaman title!

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • @FetusZero : You can't wait for even more MegaMan games, can you?

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • @Tanya :

    I can never wait!

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • Hmmm, I wonder what game this could be. Most rumours speak about a game coming from a game series.

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • OMG!!! I am still saving my money for many games. What should I do now???

    Posted Jan 24, 2010

  • @ILIAS :

    Megaman comes from a series :] oh no.. I hope it isn't Megaman X9, I'd rather have it on PS3..

    Just thought about this now though.. It could also mean Monster Hunter would make its way to X360.

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

  • I'm kind of curious to find out about this, hopefully it's a new franchise.

    Posted Jan 25, 2010

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