The Coalition Studio Head Rod Fergusson Leaves to Join Blizzard's Diablo Team

Rod Fergusson now in charge of Diablo

By Grayshadow, Posted 06 Feb 2020

Rod Fergusson worked on every entry in the Gears of War franchise. Now, the acclaimed developer is leaving The Coalition for Blizzard Entertainment to lead the Diablo team.

Rod Fergusson,Blizzard,The Coalition,

Starting in March, I will join Blizzard to oversee the Diablo franchise. Leaving is bittersweet as I love our Gears family, the fans, and everyone at The Coalition and Xbox. Thank you, it has been an honor and a privilege to work with you all.

— Rod Fergusson (@GearsViking) February 5, 2020

Fergusson made the announcement on Twitter. Explaining that he's leaving the Vancouver-based studio. Previous worked at Epic games Rod joined The Coalition in 2014 when it was called Black Tusk Studios before Microsoft acquired it. Rod will lead development for the new entries in the Gears of War franchise following Gears of War 3. 

“I began working on Gears of War over 15 years ago and since then, it has been the joy of my life. But now it’s time for a new adventure,” Fergusson said on Twitter. “I leave Gears in the great hands of The Coalition and can’t wait for everyone to play Gears Tactics on April 28.”

It'll be interesting to see how Gears of War continues following Fergusson's leaving. Other than Cliff Bleszinski, who left video game development following Boss Key Studios closure, he's the one with the most knowledge about the franchise. And despite its flaws Gears 5 was the right step forward for the franchise in terms of character development and narrative. Even with such a terrible ending.

This has been a busy week for gaming. As Dan Houser, who co-founded Rockstar Games, left the company as well. But unlike Fergusson Houser has not discussed his next step.

Gears 5 is now available for PC and Xbox One. Diablo 4 is now in development.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Gears 5


Platform(s): Xbox One, PC
Publisher(s): Microsoft
Developer(s): The Coalition
Genres: First - Person Shooter
Themes: Science-Fiction
Release Date: 2019-09-06

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