Facebook Acquires Beat Saber Developer Beat Games

Facebook owns Beat Saber

By Grayshadow, Posted 27 Nov 2019

Beat Saber is one of the more popular games to own on VR. The game combines rhythmic gameplay with music for some intense challenges. Now Facebook has purchased the developer Beat Games.

Beat Saber,NoobFeed,

The shared experiences of games are profoundly memorable ones, and for millions of people, Beat Saber was their first encounter with immersive VR gaming. Today we’re announcing that Beat Games is joining us in our quest to bring VR to more people around the world. They will join Oculus Studios as an independently operated studio in Prague, continuing to create new ways for people to experience music and VR gaming. Most importantly, what the community has come to love about Beat Saber will remain intact. Beat Games will continue to ship content and updates for Beat Saber across all currently supported platforms, now with even more support from Facebook.

Facebook has stated that the studio will operate as an independent studio and will ship content on all platforms. 

Does this mean Beat Games will no longer be independent?
The Beat Games team will operate the same way they have to date as an independent studio, and they’ll continue to work on Beat Saber across all currently supported platforms.

Beat Saber is now available for PS4 and PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Beat Saber


Publisher(s): Beat Games
Developer(s): Beat Games
Genres: Music
Themes: Virtual Reality
Release Date: 2019-05-21

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