New Final Fantasy VII: Remake Footage Shows off Ifrit and Automatic Combat System

New footage for Final Fantasy VII Remake features another iconic summoning

By Grayshadow, Posted 15 Sep 2019

Recently, new footage for FInal Fantasy VII: Remake released showing off footage of the Turks, Reno and Rude, along with new combat situations. More footage has been released during the TGS 2019, highlighting a classic combat mode and a first look at Ifrit.

Final Fantasy 7 Ifrit,NoobFeed,Square Enix,Final Fantasy 7 Remake,

Producer Yoshinori Kitase played the game live, showing off the starting mission when Cloud infiltrates the Mako Reactor with AVALANCHE. He made note that the classic mode will allow players to automatically dodge and attack enemies. Players will need to still input ATB commands to execute Limit Break. This is to replicate the classic turn-based combat system of the original game and will likely provide a more accessible option for players who just want to experience the story.

The new footage showed off Aerith's Healing Circle and Cloud summoning Ifrit. Kitase explained that only 1 summoning materia can be equipped to a character's weapon and the summoning will remain and fight until the ATB gauge depletes. A lot like Final Fantasy XIII. When the gauge depletes the summoning leaves before first performs its most powerful attack, in the case of Ifrit its Hellfire.

Kitase explained that during certain boss fights summoning materia will be unavailable. Considering the strength of the new summonings this is probably for the best. Also, I'm personally interested to see how Bahamut Zero and Knights of the Round will operate in such a new system. Considering one is a space dragon and the other is multiple knights.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be launching exclusively on PS4 on March 3, 2020.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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