Gears of War 5's The Coalition Explains the Decision to Remove References to Smoking and Tobacco

Removing smoking from Gears 5 was entirely The Coalition's choice

By Grayshadow, Posted 14 Jul 2019

Gears of War is notorious for having bloody content, from the dark story featuring deadly monsters to curb stomping your enemies into the ground. However, it seems The Coalition draws the line with smoking. Stating they've removed smoking-related things from Gears 5 as part of their partnership with Truth Initiative.


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The Truth Initiative is a non-profit that seeks to eliminate tobacco smoking and usage and according to Variety, the company approached The Coalition with this. Truth will have broadcasting rights to the Gears 5 pro league, Microsoft has stated though that this decision was made entirely by The Coalition.

“I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact of smoking,” said The Coalition head Rod Fergusson of this move. “It’s always been important for me to not use smoking as a narrative device, which is why we made the conscious choice to avoid highlighting or glorifying smoking in Gears 5 and throughout the Gears of War Universe moving forward.”

The process of removing all references to tobacco throughout Gears 5 has reportedly taken a few months. “We are hopeful that this decision will encourage other game developers and streaming tournaments to follow this lead and level up the gaming experience by going tobacco-free,” said Robin Koval, CEO of Truth Initiative about his process.

After the criticism behind the decision, The Coalitions Rod Fergusson spoke about the matter. Explaining that the Gears, franchise moving, will not glorify smoking. But elaborated that this was a personal decision.

To be fair, this isn't entirely accurate. I've been against smoking from the beginning and have worked hard to not make it a part of our franchise. Ever notice that the Dizzy concept art for Gears 2 has a cigarette but the actual character in the game doesn't? I stopped it.

— Rod Fergusson (@GearsViking) July 12, 2019

It still seems like a strange thing to do. Gears of War has always been a hyper-violent series that uses subjects such as rape, deadly experimental weapons, murder, and brutal executions as part of its lore and gameplay. While this decision doesn't change the gameplay the choice has been confirmed to be a personal message.

Gears 5 is set to launch later this year on September 10 for both Xbox One and PC. The first beta will start off next week.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Gears 5


Platform(s): Xbox One, PC
Publisher(s): Microsoft
Developer(s): The Coalition
Genres: First - Person Shooter
Themes: Science-Fiction
Release Date: 2019-09-06

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