Epic Games Has Reportedly Hired Infinity Ward Co-Founder Jason West

Co-Founder of Infinity Ward and Respawn Entertainment working with Epic Games reportedly

By Grayshadow, Posted 12 Apr 2019

Epic Games may have something in development. With co-founder of Infinity Ward and Respawn Entertainment Jason West working with the company.

Epic Games,NoobFeed,

Some game industry scoop: @EpicGames has quietly hired Jason West, @InfinityWard and @Respawn co-founder, to work on its game development efforts. From what I hear West, who lives in North Carolina, has been in the office for about a month. pic.twitter.com/nhR0zPq0mB

— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) April 12, 2019

According to The Game Awards creator Geoff Keighley. West left Respawn back in 2013 to focus on his family but maybe re-entering the gaming industry once again.

This sounds like something Epic would do as the company has been growing its digital store. Currently, Epic is encouraging more companies to bring their games to the Epic Games Store. This usually resulted in timed exclusives but Epic could be working on an exclusive title for the Epic Games Store as well. They do have all that Fortnite money to spend on improvements.

Tao Dawkins, NoobFeed
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General Information

Apex Legends


Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): EA
Developer(s): Respawn Entertainment
Genres: First-person Shooter
Themes: Science-Fiction
Release Date: 2019-02-04

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