Overkill’s The Walking Dead Patch 1.1.3 Features Bug Fixes

Overkill Software addressing issues with Overkill’s The Walking Dead

By Grayshadow, Posted 15 Dec 2018

Overkill’s The Walking Dead has some technical issues that need to be resolved and Overkill Software is working on making the game stable. With the latest patch now available.

Overkill The Walking Dead,NoobFeed,Overkill Software,

The patch notes are available below:

Patch Size 89.2 MB

Crashes / Blockers

Fixed a crash that could occur during loading

Fixed a crash that could occur in the loading cinematic, when the game language was set to Russian

Fixed a crash that could occur while loading into the results screen

Fixed an issue where party clients would appear to get stuck in infinite loading after completing a mission


Fixed an issue where client players would see red walls appearing to block off accessible areas of the map

Fixed a floating ammo box in one of the cabins by the Lincoln monument in 'Join or Die'

Fixed an issue where the hurt visual effect would not fade correctly

Fixed an issue where the hurt visual effect would remain after a player respawned

Achievements / Trading Cards

Fixed the requirement for unlocking the "Old Dog, Meet New Tricks" achievement

Fixed an issue where players sometimes would not be awarded the achievement for 

Trading Cards should now function properly - start collecting!


Fixed an issue with a sniper that would not correctly engage players in combat on 'No Sanctuary'

Fixed an issue where drop-in clients could traverse behind red barriers on 'No Sanctuary'

Fixed an issue where the incorrect VO would play after players disarm the store alarm

Fixed an issue that could cause drop-in clients to take flight if they performed a vault action during relocation

Increased a timer to prevent players being split into separate Mission Result lobbies

Overkill’s The Walking Dead is now available for PC and will release on Xbox One and PS4 in February 2019. Check out our review here.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Starbreeze Studios, 505 Games
Developer(s): Overkill Software
Genres: Action-Adventure
Themes: Zombie Apocalypse
Release Date: 2018

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