New Retro-FPS Prodeus Coming in 2019

Check out the reveal trailer for Prodeus

By Grayshadow, Posted 27 Nov 2018

If you grew up with titles such as Doom and Quake you're probably already following games like Ion Maiden.  However, the developers at Mike and Jason have just announced a new title following the retro craze called Prodeus.


The trailer features pixeled graphics with a modern look. It definitely resembles Doom from all the lava to the demonic enemies you're shooting. 

Prodeus is the first person shooter of old, re-imagined using modern rendering techniques. It reaches the quality you expect from a AAA experience while adhering to some of the aesthetic technical limits of older hardware.

Prodeus is set for a 2019 release on PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information



Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Bounding Box Software Inc.
Developer(s): Mike and Jason
Genres: First Person Shooter
Themes: Retro
Release Date: 2019

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