Xbox Adaptive Controller Now Available

Xbox Adaptive Controller available now for purchase

By Grayshadow, Posted 04 Sep 2018

Microsoft's Xbox Adaptive Controller is one of the best examples of a company attempting to give everyone the chance to game. The controller is specifically designed to give those with movement impairments the ability to play Xbox One games. Now the controller is ready to ship.

Xbox Adaptive Controller,NoobFeed,

Available for $99.99 Microsoft released an official statement:

The Xbox Adaptive Controller is a product that was ideated and pioneered with inclusivity at its heart. We iterated on and refined it through close partnership with gamers with limited mobility and fan feedback, as well as guidance and creativity from accessibility experts, advocates and partners such as The AbleGamers Charity, The Cerebral Palsy FoundationCraig Hospital, Special Effect and Warfighter Engaged. Even the accessible packaging the Xbox Adaptive Controller arrives in was an entirely new approach to redefining success in product packaging—directly informed and guided by gamers with limited mobility. It’s truly the collaboration and teamwork from these individuals and groups who helped bring the Xbox Adaptive Controller to gamers around the world. And gaming, everywhere, becomes greater because of that collaborative spirit.

Check out the video here showcasing how the box itself was designed to make it easy to open.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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