Shadow of the Tomb Raider 30-Second Developer Diary Tackles the Importance of Testing

See how testing is a critical part of game development

By Grayshadow, Posted 05 Jun 2018

In the latest Shadow of the Tomb Raider developer diary Development Tester Bianca Lavric explains the importance and complex nature of testing.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider,NoobFeed,Square Enix,Eidos Montreal,

The video shows actual development footage of the team creating pathways for the AI to walk. Bianca gets cut off before getting into how certain things, such as a helicopter, has to get into position when Lara gets to a specific point.

Each one of these Shadow of the Tomb Raider diary entries not only highlights the development process of the game but how game development works in general. How each position is critical to ensure a quality and playable product when it finally releases.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will launch on September 14th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Crystal Dynamics, Feral Interactive
Developer(s): Eidos-Montréal, Crystal Dynamics, Nixxes, Feral Interactive
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Third-Person Shooter
Release Date: 2018-09-14

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