God of War Director Responds to Fan Criticism Over New Direction

Not everyone is happy with God of War's new direction

By Grayshadow, Posted 05 Apr 2018

Since its debut, it was obvious that Santa Monica was taking the God of War franchise in a different direction. In the recent weeks leading up the game's release Sony has been uploading new videos showcasing the game's developer and Santa Monica has been providing information on the game's new gameplay, direction, and Kratos himself. However, not everyone was happy and in a recent interview with Kotaku game director Cory Barlog explained his reaction to the harsh criticism.

God of War,NoobFeed,Santa Monica,

Barlog stated:


“I know there are a lot of people who are out there saying, ‘It’s totally different. They’re changing a lot of things. Hashtag Not My God Of War. Hashtag Cancel My Pre-Order… But I think a lot of people have to play it…

“We’ve been very restrictive of the information and what we’re showing visually, and part of that is my paranoia. I want people to experience this game as a whole. Everybody who made this game–or a good portion of this team–has been a part of God of War from the very beginning. Nothing has changed cynically or under pressure or just willy-nilly. All of us put a lot of heart and soul into this game, and the DNA of what this franchise is still pumps through the blood of this game.”

A fair amount of footage has appeared online and review copies are now in the hands of select outlets and people but the developers have constantly hinted that the game has a lot of secrets to unearth. Launching a campaign without having a full understanding of an unreleased product is extreme. In addition, Barlog has worked on several God of War games and most likely understands Kratos and the franchise more than the people who vanguard the campaign against the new game.

God of War launches on April 20th for PS4. Those who preorder will get 3 in-game shield skins.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

God of War 4


Platform(s): PS4
Publisher(s): Sony
Developer(s): SIE Santa Monica Studio
Genres: Action-Adventure
Themes: Norse Mythology
Release Date: 2018-04-20

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