Rare Explains Why Sea of Thieves Crew Size Is Limited to 4

Can't have a bigger crew than 4 in Sea of Thieves

By Grayshadow, Posted 15 Feb 2018

In the beta for Sea of Thieves, players were limited to 4 players and according to IGN Rare confirmed that this limit would extend to the final game.

Sea of Thieves,NoobFeed,Rare,Microsoft,

Lead designer Mike Chapman confirmed to IGN that 4 players will be the maximum size for each crew to ensure better communicating.

"We've looked at feedback and of course there's people who want an 8-player ship, a 10-player ship. The thinking there, as with everything in this game, is really intentful."

"If the two of us were to go out to the pub together with two other friends, you've got that intimate relationship, you're all getting on together. If it becomes six or eight people, you start getting people splintering off and it's really hard to communicate - four seems like the magic number."

This system isn't permanent as Chapman explained that the team is looking beyond the game's release. Perhaps a better crew system could happen.

Sea Of Thieves launches on March 20th for Xbox One and Windows 10.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PC
Publisher(s): Microsoft Studios
Developer(s): Rare
Genres: Action, Adventure, Multipalyer
Themes: Pirates
Release Date: 2018

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