Monster Hunter: World Nintendo Switch Unlikely According To Capcom President

Monster Hunter: World on the Nintendo Switch would be “Difficult” according to Capcom’s President

By Grayshadow, Posted 14 Feb 2018

Monster Hunter: World has been a massive success, with a growing community of gamers and praise from critics. However, Nintendo fans hoping for a port of the game were shot down back in January. It was confirmed by the directors of the game that the game was developed from the ground up for the Xbox One and PS4, which is why the PC version is coming out later this year, and now Capcom's president confirms it would be "Difficult".

Monster Hunter World,NoobFeed,Capcom,

Capcom President and Chief Operating Officer Haruhiro Tsujimoto when speaking with Toyo Keizai Online (translated with Google Translate) explained that the game was developed for Xbox One, PS4, and PC because there are limits to what portable consoles can display, and the developers desired to create a game using modern technology.

Tsujimoto has heard the demands but argued that porting the game to the Switch would be a difficult process and citing "various conditions" with each console having its own characteristics.

It looks like if Monster Hunter: World would release on the Nintendo Switch it would have to be recreated from the ground up with the Nintendo Switch's hardware in mind. While the system is popular it's not as powerful as either the Xbox One or PS4 base consoles.

Monster Hunter: World is currently available for PS4 and Xbox One, with a PC version coming later this year in the fall.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Capcom
Developer(s): Capcom
Genres: Action role-playing game
Themes: Monster Hunting
Release Date: 2018-01-26

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