Dragon Ball FighterZ Sets New Sales Record for Franchise

Dragon Ball FighterZ sells big

By Grayshadow, Posted 01 Feb 2018

Since launching last weekend Dragon Ball FighterZ has stirred the internet, many praising the game for being such a faithful representation of the Dragon Ball franchise. Considering the game's incredible popularity it's not surprising seeing that game broke a new sales record for Bandai Namco.

Dragon Ball FighterZ,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,Arc System Works,

According to the publisher, Dragon Ball FighterZ shipped 2 million copies, both physical and digital, since its launch. This has set a new record for the publisher. Considering that the game released worldwide today that number is going to grow, especially considering the popularity of the franchise throughout the world.

Dragon Ball FighterZ has been a hit with critics and fans alike. I reviewed the game on Xbox One X and consider it not only one of the best Dragon Ball games but the one best fighting games ever made.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Bandai Namco
Developer(s): Arc System Works
Genres: 2D Fighter
Themes: Fighter
Release Date: 2018-02

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