Monster Hunter World Won't Be Coming To The Nintendo Switch

Perhaps in the future

By Grayshadow, Posted 22 Jan 2018

Monster Hunter World is coming this week to Xbox One and PS4, and PC later this year. It's one of the most anticipated games this year but it's not coming to the Nintendo Switch and its directors Kaname Fujioka and Yuya Tokuda explained why in a recent interview with IGN.

Monster Hunter World,NoobFeed,Capcom,

In the interview, the directors explained that the game was in development for the Xbox One and PS4 for many years before Nintendo revealed their new console. In addition, the hardware capabilities of the Nintendo Switch makes porting the game difficult.

“We don’t have any plans for the Switch at the moment. Part of the reason is that the title has been in development for almost 4 years. At the time we had to commit to our hardware choices, we decided on using the most powerful current generation consoles available at the time, which was PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So [the decision was made] before the Switch was even announced or on sale."

“It’s also because for every title we decide what the best fit for hardware is for the concept. We don’t just look at everything. It’s more like “if we want to achieve this kind of game concept, where’s the best place to achieve that?” and for this title the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were the best fit for us.”

This will disappoint many Nintendo fans knowing that they won't be able to hunt monsters in Monster Hunter World as of now. This doesn't mean that the game is impossible but it's likely an entirely new version of the game would be required to make it possible on the Nintendo Switch. In the past Monster Hunter has sold very well on handheld consoles and if Monster Hunter World's demand is high enough Capcom might decide to invest into it.

Monster Hunter World will release on January 26th for Xbox One and PS4. The PC release is coming Autumn 2018.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Capcom
Developer(s): Capcom
Genres: Action role-playing game
Themes: Monster Hunting
Release Date: 2018-01-26

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