Light Fall Is An Upcoming Platformer Set In A Land Of Eternal Night

Light Fall is set to release in March 2018.

By Woozie, Posted 26 Nov 2017

Developed by Bishop Games, Light Fall is an upcoming 2D platformer that will have players exploring Numbra, a land where night reigns eternal. The interesting bit is that players have access to the Shadow Core, a platform that can be summoned whenever an extra boost is needed, or when paths blocked by deadly beams need to be accessed. Aside from this neat gameplay element, Light Fall's visual style is one that's quite expressive, while being very careful in its use of assets.

Light Fall, Image, News

Light Fall aims to let players choose their own path through its world. Stryx, the old and grumpy owl, will act as both companion and narrator offering both useful advice, while not missing a chance to mock failures. Light Fall is set to release in March 2018 on PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One. Head on over to its Steam page for more details.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed
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General Information

Light Fall


Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Bishop Games
Developer(s): Bishop Games
Genres: Adventure, Platformer
Themes: Indie
Release Date: March 2018

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