Get Even Won't Have A Physical PC Version

If you're that one person who still buys real PC copies, Get Even won't be on your menu.

By Daavpuke, Posted 08 Feb 2017

Publisher Bandai Namco announced that Get Even, the ambitious shooter from developer The Farm 51, will launch on May 26, 2017. The game will be available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. There is, however, a small caveat.


Get Even


In the press release, there’s an emphasis on a digital-only version. Speaking briefly with a Bandai Namco representative clarifies that the digital-only version applies to the PC version of Get Even. Furthermore, there would be no plans to have a physical PC release at this point. There’s a new trailer to showcase the bizarre project below, as well as an excerpt of its concept:


As Cole Black, you’re in an old abandoned asylum with only your memories. Or whose memories are they?  You have to save the girl. Focus on the details. She has a bomb. Wait, what?


The Farm 51 are Polish developers who specialize in shooters, as their previous work at People Can Fly entailed working on the Painkiller series. That’s aside from what most major studios in Poland do, which is helping on the Witcher series. With Get Even, the company looks to get ever weirder than that time they made Necrovision, a shooter that blends shooting Nazis and a weird cast of demonic creatures. Is it ok to shoot Nazis? It’s only as cool as shooting a weird rotting zombie in the face; they surely have feelings too.

Get Even will play with the concept of reality, so it’s really hard to pin down just how its normal gameplay loops of exploring and shooting will alternate between the sceneries of more traditional survival horror games. Moreover, Get Even uses a method that scanned real locations to put them in the game. This angle certainly sounds intriguing.

A physical PC version of any game is a rarity at this point. Personally, the last copy I bought was a disc of Stellaris and it came with half the game on it, so it doesn't even save on download space anymore. A PC box is just a shiny coaster to own, so Get Even skipping out doesn't seem like a stretch.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): Nordic Games
Developer(s): The Farm 51
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2012-10-31

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