Star Wars Battlefront 2 Releasing Fall 2017

Maybe the second game won't feel like a rushed title

By Grayshadow, Posted 02 Nov 2016

Star Wars Battlefront, despite being one of the most demanded titles, received mixed reception when it released back in November 2015. Many citing the games lack of content, progression, and single-player campaign. The game went on to ship 14 million copies to today and EA has confirmed that a sequel is in development for 2017 release.

Star Wars Battlefront,NoobFeed,EA,DICE,

EA CFO, Black Jorgensen stating on an earnings call on Tuesday that Battlefront 2 will be coming "a year from now" which implies by November 2017. Reported on Polygon Jorgensen said that they're "working very hard on making sure that is and extremely deep and engaging offering". 

It's worth noting that the first Battlefront released the same time as The Force Awakens and it's most likely that Battlefront will follow the same plan, to release around the same time as the next movie. Considering that  EA and Disney have a multi-year deal for all Star Wars related games this isn't surprising.

Star Wars Battlefront is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Source: Polygon

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): LucasArts
Developer(s): Pandemic Studios
Genres: Action
Themes: Shooter
Release Date: 2005-10-30

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