Pokévision Creator Says the Application was Made Because of Pokémon Go's Broken in-game Tracker

A lot of people agree, Pokémon Go is at its worst right now

By Grayshadow, Posted 04 Aug 2016

The creator of the Pokévision, Yang Liu, application wrote an open letter to Niantic Labs asking them to listen the fans of their game and communicate better.

Pokemon Go,NoobFeed,Niantic Labs,

“We made Pokevision not to cheat,” said Liu. “We made it so that we can have a temporary relief to the in-game tracker that we were told was broken. We made it so that we can keep everyone playing while we wait patiently. We saw Pokevision as a stop gap to this — and we had every intention in closing it down the minute that Pokemon Go’s own tracker restored functionality.

“After three weeks, we started seeing that you guys seemed to not want to talk to the players. Pokevision, at this time had grown to almost 50 million unique users, and 11 million daily users. Half of the 80 million player base of Pokemon Go stopped by — and they didn’t do so to cheat."

“The game was simply too unbearable to play in its current state for many (not all). The main attraction wasn’t that they got to have an advantage with Pokevision, the main attraction was that it allowed them to play Pokemon Go more.”

Liu stated that at the San Diego Comic-Con CEO John Hanke stated that Niantic Labs were working on fixing the in-game tracker but wasn't fond of the third-party Pokémon tracker applications.

After the removal of the in-game tracking system and Pokévision many Pokémon Go players demanded their money back due to the game's spike in difficulty. 

“I may be biased in saying that Pokevision being down had an impact on the amount of negative ratings, refund requests and outcry on social media — but could it be true? Nothing has changed between the time the in-game tracker broke and Pokevision went down."

Lui went on to explain that over half of all Pokémon Go players used Pokevision. Since the removal the player count and review scores have plummeted. This coupled with players vexingly voicing the decrease capture have driven people to quit the game already.

Hopefully Niantic will listen to the criticism and reevaluate their previous decisions. As of now Pokémon Go went from being heralded as one of the most popular games of this year to one of the most criticized in a matter of weeks.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Mobile
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Niantic, Nintendo
Genres: Adventure
Themes: Fantasy
Release Date: 2016-07-06

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