Pokémon Go Update Has Players Requesting Refunds

New update for Pokémon Go removes third-party features

By Grayshadow, Posted 31 Jul 2016

The latest update for Pokémon Go has made tracking these alluring creatures much harder, removing locating methods from the game and third-party support.

The 0.31.0 update removes the footprint icons and Pokévision support, leaving players unclear how to track specific Pokémon. Another key feature is the removal of battery saver, a questionable choice seeing that one of the primary issues regarding Pokémon Go is the application constant activation.

Other updates include:

Pokémon Go,NoobFeed,Update,

The lack of tracking have already caused fans to request refunds for in-app purchases, as shown in this Reddit thread, citing the latest update's broke functionality has made their purchases worthless. The three-step glitch, which prevented players from tracking Pokémon because the step-meter never changed, made tracking impossible without a third-party system such as Pokévision. 

Player's have been using their Google Play and iTunes purchase history to reported the issue and obtain a full refund, if the purchase was made within 48 hours.

It's uncertain how developer Niantic will respond but judging from the backlash over the update it's likely that Niantic will change their system on how to locate these creatures. After trying the new system personally I can say it's because much more difficult to locate specific Pokémon with the exception of common creatures like Pidgey, Weedle, and Rattata.

On the bright side Niantic has added warning messages to tell players not to tresspass while playing Pokémon Go. Honestly judging from the frenzies people have gone into to collect rare Pokémon it's doubtful a message will stop anyone once Ditto appears.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Mobile
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Niantic, Nintendo
Genres: Adventure
Themes: Fantasy
Release Date: 2016-07-06

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