No More Pokéstops or Pokémon Gym Requests are Being Considered

If you wanted to a Pokémon Go special location near you, sorry it's not happening

By Grayshadow, Posted 23 Jul 2016

Niantic Labs, the minds behind the massively successful Pokémon Go, has stopped taking requests for Pokémon Go gyms and Pokéstops.

Pokémon Go,NoobFeed,

The website has been update and Niantic has removed and instead a Pokémon Go request form for the removal of a gym or Pokéstop is now available. Seems fitting, after so many stories of tresspassing, robbery, and other injuries surrounding the application due to dangerous locations perhaps the removal of certain locations would reduce the chances of these incidents. After all unless you've living under a rock you've probably seen several stories of people getting in precarious situations to chance these creatures.

Pokémon Go is now available for Android and iOS.

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Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Mobile
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Niantic, Nintendo
Genres: Adventure
Themes: Fantasy
Release Date: 2016-07-06

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