Evolve is Getting a New Hunter and New Fixes

Going free-to-play and now delivering new content

By Grayshadow, Posted 23 Jul 2016

After going free-to-play two weeks ago Turtle Rock Studios has announced a brand new hunter for Evolve.

Evolve,Electro Griffin,NoobFeed,Turtle Rock Studios,

Teased last week Evolve Stage 2 is now called the Electro Shock update, named after the new trapper Electro Griffin.

“Coming straight out of the latest box office flop Electro Griffin and the Ninjas of Neo-Tokyo, Roger Brown has reprised his role as Electro Griffin to make an electrifying return to his pursuit of fame and fortune. However instead of hunting down Ninjas, Electro Griffin will be taking on his biggest challenge yet – hunting the ravenous Monsters on the world of Shear.”

You can download themes and learn all his new abilities through the character hub page. He'll be free for all Founders but new players will need to unlock him.

In addition to the new trapper the progression rewards and keys have been refined. Longer chat message can now be sent through the in-game menu.

Here's the complete list of changes:

Update 2.02 - The Electro Shock Update

Electro Griffin has been added to the game 

Be sure to start shredding Monsters with the latest and greatest Trapper to join the Hunt! 

Note all Founders should have Electro Griffin unlocked once this update goes live.

Community Feedback

Progression reward displays all unlocks on the profile page 

You can now view everything in the unlock trees for characters via the profile page. 

This should help better plan out what characters can help you unlock more perks and badges.

Game Award Changes and Silver Keys 

We are reducing the amount of awards needed to get the max amount of keys to 3 from 5 

Mobile Arena Monster health win percentage increased to 15% (or less) lost from 10%

Dropship Time added to get 1 award reduced to 15 seconds from 20 seconds

Assault damage needed for 1 award increased to 1500 from 500

Medic Healing needed for 1 award increased to 1500 from 500

Trapper Scans needed for 1 award reduced to 1 from 3

Longer Chat Messages 

The first of many chat improvements to come in the future, we’ve increased the character limit to 127 characters for the in-game chat.

Rewards show the name of what is Unlocked 

This applies to the punch card and progression unlocks. 

Basically every unlock you get will say the specific name of the unlock, so no more you unlocked ‘Perk’ as you move through progression.

Added Caira and Abe VO in the Tutorial 

One of the first steps in improving how new users learn about Evolve was looking at our Hunter and Monster tutorials we currently have.

We’ve added voice over work from Caira and Abe to help assist players in learning more about Evolve Stage 2. 

Plus who doesn’t love a little banter between our favorite Hunter sweethearts? 
Badge Color Unlock Tooltip

We added a tooltip explaining that badge colors are unlocked through progression and the daily login rewards.

Store Content Updates 

Hunter Skins 

Monarch Electro Griffin

Weapon Skins 

Blood Eagle, Arctic and Dragon weapon skins for Electro Griffin

Jack Repulsor Visual Change 

We’ve been seeing quite a lot of Jack played recently and felt the VFX didn’t communicate the ability as well as it could, so our VFX artist redesigned the VFX! Let us know what you think!

The new VFX functions as such: 

There is now 3 boxes showing all angles that can be blocked by the repulsor

When the repulsor isn’t pushing against the Monster it will appear gray in the ‘inactive’ state.

When the repulsor is pushing against the Monster it will appear green signalling that the ability is blocking Monster movement.

Contextual Combat Updates 

All contextual combat now has camera based controls. 

Incaps attacks have been removed. 

These were melee attacks that would lock Monsters onto the bodies of incapped Hunters.

Heavies are now aimed with the player’s camera instead of homing in on targets

General improvements to Monster melee combat.

Balance Changes


Reduce start time for monster armor channel 2.5 seconds from 3

Harpoon break angle increased to 140 from 120


Traversal speed reduced to 27 from 30


Cooldown now starts after Decoy fades out (aka on Death).

Cooldown is now 12|10 seconds from 17|15 seconds

Decoy’s melee combat now triggers and damages at proper ranges (Range lowered)

Warp Blast 

Min aiming time reduced to .35 from .45

Channel time reduced to .6 from .7


Light attack damage increased to 90 from 81

Meteor Goliath 

Light attack damage increased to 90 from 81

Hunter Changes


Hunter Damage Reduction 

Tier 2 value reduced to 2%|3%|4% from 3%|4%|5%

Tier 3 value reduced to 4%|5%|6% from 5%|7%|8%


Heal Burst 

Radius increased to 16.5 from 15

Healing Buoy 

Arm time reduced to 1 from 2

Throw speed increased to 20 from 15

Fixed an issue that would cause the Healing Totems to reload twice


Fixed an issue where Bucket’s Mechanized Recharge was not having it’s cooldown reduced by reload speed.


Jetpack Booster 

Jetpack Beam Min fire percentage set to 24.5% capacity from 10%

Recharge delay on JPB when there is remaining ammo increased to 2 seconds from 1

Shield Drone health reduced to 240 from 250

Shield Drone 

Max Shield reduced to 760 from 803

Shield drone initial charge delay reduced to 7 seconds from 8.5

Shield drone recharge when active increased to to 7 seconds from 5


Tracker Drone 

Scan Radius Max 130 from 100m

Scan seconds reduced to 9 from 14

Beams increased to 3 from 2

Tech Sgt Hank 

Orbital Drill 

Cast time increased to 1 second from .5

Shield Charger 

Reduce projection shield apply rate to 56 shield per second from 60

Rogue Val 

Healing Aura 

Healing per second reduced to 37 from 40

Incap healing per second reduced to 56 from 60

Poison Dart 

Damage per Second reduced to 20.9 from 22.5

Sniper Rifle 

Damage reduced to 62.3 from 67


Plasma Lance 

Plasma Lance damage reduced to 125|175|225|275 from 150|200|250|300


Max spread reduced to 4 from 5.4

Autocannon is now an explosive with a 2.5 radius and 120 projectile speed

No longer will deal headshot damage due to it being an explosive round

Blitz Markov 

Tesla Gun 

Damage per Second reduced to 125|150|250|275 from 150|200|250|275

Range reduced to 23m from 27.5


Autofire Shotgun 

Shotgun damage per pellet increased to 9 from 8 

Side note, he fires 6 pellets per shell.

Now 54 damage per shell from 48


Healing Drone 

Release delay reduced to .1 seconds from .2

Heal range increased to 7 from 5

Max fly distance reduced to 7 from 10

Time to teleport reduced to 0.5 seconds from 2

Healing per second increased to 70 from 66


Machine Pistol 

Damage reduced to 16.7 from 18

Planet Scan 

Sprint Boost reduced to 68% from 75%

Speed Modifier reduced to 144% from 160%

Jetpack Thrust Modifier reduced to 13.5% from 15%

Wasteland Maggie 

Burst Pistol 

Burn dps reduced to 14 from 15

Combat Trapjaw 

Damage per Seconds reduced to 28 from 30

Flame Snare 

Damage per Second reduced to 28 from 30

Planet Scan 

Sprint Boost reduced to 68% from 75%

Speed Modifier reduced to 144% from 160%

Jetpack Thrust Modifier reduced to 13.5% from 15%


Harpoon Gun 

Reload time increased to 3.75 seconds from 3.5

Planet Scan 

Sprint Boost reduced to 54% from 60%

Speed Modifier reduced to 124% from 137%

Jetpack Thrust Modifier reduced to 9% from 10%

Wildlife Update

General Wildlife 

Trapjaws Packs 

Now have 1 energy so you can eat them after killing spawned packs.

Packs now spawn 2-3 trapjaws from 4-6

Wildlife Buff Changes 

Megamouth Elite Buff 

Hunter buff Class Cooldown reduced to 15% from 25%

Monster buff Pounce Damage reduced to 70% increase from 80%

Crowbill Sloth Elite Buff 

Monster buff Damage Increase reduced to 10% from 15%

Nomad Elite Buff 

Hunter buff Jetpack Recharge increased reduced to 60% from 100%

Monster buff Traversal Regen reduced to 20% from 30%

Strider Elite Buff 

Hunter Buff Movement Speed increase reduced to 25% from 30%

Monster Buff Movement Speed increase reduced to 25% from 30%

Mammoth Bird Elite Buff 

Hunter buff Reload Rate Modifier reduced to 25% from 54% and Recharge Rate modifier reduced to 25% from 35%

Monster buff Cooldown Reduction reduced to 15% from 20%

Obsidian Grub Elite Buff 

Hunter Capacity buff reduced to 25% from 35%

Monster Ignore Birds buff changed to melee attacks reduce Hunter Jetpack Thrust by 20%

Bug Fixes 

Fixed issues with Mimic where the Gorgon could be oriented in unintended directions after use.

Fixed players being taken to a black screen after hitting continue after all players have left the post round lobby.

Fixed an issue where players solo queuing into ranked will get kicked when matching with a party of three.

Fixed areas in Orbital Drill where Hunters could jetpack to exploit.

Fixed instances where Abe’s shotgun could get stuck in a reload animation after swapping weapon.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information



Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): 2K Games
Developer(s): Turtle Rock Studios
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Sci-Fi, Action
Release Date: 2014-09-01

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