Razer Developers Develop Communication Application for Pokémon Go

Razer taking Pokémon Go to new heights, if that's possible

By Grayshadow, Posted 20 Jul 2016

Pokémon Go has dominated the mobile marketplace, creating havoc and unity for anyone expose to the additive game. Now Razer is taking Pokémon Go another step forward by offering players to communicate with one another without exiting the application.

Pokémon Go,NoobFeed,Nintendo,Niantic Labs,

The messaging application will work with both iOS and Android devices and allow for various cha modes, even support team colors; because we know how passionate Pokémon Go have become with what team they're on.

The chat rooms will allow for uses to drop beacons, allowing RazerGo users to interact with it. Players can choose from public, team, and whisper.

A local mode will allow Pokémon Go users to speak with players within a 3 mile radius, a regional option with a 60 mile radius, and finally a global option for all Pokémon Go users.

When talking to Polygon about the application Razer made it clear that their application isn't officially part of Pokémon Go and has no affiliation with Nintendo or its developer Niantic Labs.

The web version will become available tonight at 10pm ET and on mobile devices on July 25th.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Mobile
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Niantic, Nintendo
Genres: Adventure
Themes: Fantasy
Release Date: 2016-07-06

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