May PlayStation Plus Free Games Leaked?

Is Ubisoft heading the next set of free PlayStation Plus games?

By Grayshadow, Posted 25 Apr 2016

Sony is a few days from releasing the new lineup for PlayStation Plus members, but a leaked image may have spoiled the surprise.

PlayStation Plus,NoobFeed,Sony,May 2016,

According to the image Watch Dogs and Tetris Ultimate are slated for the next set of free PlayStation 4 games. The image doesn’t show what could be the next set of PS3 or PS Vita games.

These aren’t industry shattering releases, especially given the vexing response from April's set of PlayStation Plus releases. We’ll find out if this is legitimate by the end of the week.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Watch Dogs


Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC, WII
Publisher(s): Ubisoft
Developer(s): Ubisoft Montreal
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Stealth
Release Date: 2014-05-27

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