New Evolve Patch Adds New Balancing Tweaks

Latest patch for Evolve now available

By Grayshadow, Posted 01 May 2015

The newest patch for Evolve on the PC and console adds new balancing tweaks. 

Evolve,Noobfeed,Turtle Rock Studios,2K Games,

PC 2.3.6 PATCH

— Sunny can no longer stack shield drones

— Behemoth should no longer be able to chain melee attacks by alternating between rolling and attacking

—Kraken Banshee mines have been adjusted as follows:

Added an arming time of 1 second, they can still home in on a hunter but take at least 1 second before they can explode

Changed the invulnerable time to .3 seconds

Weapons can no longer damage mines when invulnerable


New Maps

Broken Hill mine and Broken Hill Foundry are now available on PS4 and PC. (The micropatch unlocks them)



   Toxic Grenade

—Removed slow effect from Hunters (and the crowd goes wild!!!!!)


    Multifire Rocket Launcher

—200% more accurate for long range destruction.


    Shrapnel Grenades

—Increased proximity detonation radius to help vs airborne targets


    Heal Burst

—Increased self heal by 50%


    Spore Cloud Launcher

—Radius decreased 20% (this does not change the visual effect however)



—Increased proximity detonation radius to help vs airborne targets

    Shield Drone

—Hit points of the drone decreased by 40% (easier to destroy)

    Jetpack Booster

—Provides 50% less thrust boost on jetpack dodges


Melee Stamina

    Goliath, Kraken and Wraith melee stamina auto fill time now set to 3 seconds (was quicker before but varied per monster)

Armor Regeneration

    Starts six seconds after damage taken (was 10). This helps make the armor regeneration perk more responsive.


    Lightning Strike

—Moves at a constant speed (used to move faster on the far plane initially, then slow down)

Character Perks

Damage Bonus (M & H)

    Reduced to 5%, 7.5% and 10% (was 7.5, 10, 15)

Armor Regeneration (M)

    Increased to 50%, 75%, 100% (was 25, 38, 50)

Cooldown Reduction (M)

    Decreased to 10%, 15%, and 20% (was 15, 23,30)

Movement Speed (M & H)

    Increased to 15%, 20% and 25% (was 10, 15, 20)

Stamina Bonus (M)

    Reduced to 20%, 30%, 40% (was 25, 35, 50)

Climb Speed (M)

    Increased to 50% (was 30)

Reload Speed (H)

    Decreased to 15%, 20%, 25% (was 15, 2, 30)

Jump Height (H)

    Increased to 300% (was 200)

Elite Wildlife Buff

Armadon Bull

    Hunter and Monster damage reduction now 25% (was 35%)

Crowbill Sloth

    Hunter and Monster damage bonus now 25% (was 35%)

Mammoth Bird

    Monster Ability cooldown now 35% (was 50%)


    Monster Pounce damage bonus now 50% (was 100%)

    Hunter class special cooldown reduction now 35% (was 50%)


    Hunter jetpack recharge bonus now 150% (was 200%)

    Monster traversal stamina bonus now 50% (was 100%)


    Monster duration reduced to 2 minutes (was 5)

    Hunter duration reduced to 3 minutes (was 5)

    Hunter health regeneration rate reduced by 20%

Elite Wildlife

Armadon Bull

    Health increased 33%


    Health increased 25%

    Speed increased 38%

Canyon Strider

    Speed increased 38%


    Health increased 40%

Crowbill Sloth

    Health increased 34%

Mammoth Bird

    Health increased 70%

    Speed increased 30%

Marsh Strider

    Speed increased 38%


    Health increased 34%


    Health increased 34%

Obsidian Grub

    Health increased by 100%


    Health increased by 150%

    Speed increased by 23%


    Health increased by 150%

    Speed increased by 15%


    Health increased by 37%


    Health increased by 190%

    Speed increased by 15%

Award Adjustments

Tuned requirements for more consistent XP awarded between characters

    Hyde increased requirements for RPS Beast

—420 to 520 damage

    Hyde increased requirements for Noxious

—425 to 525 damage

    Griffin decreased requirements for Close Quarters

—670 to 630 damage

    Val decreased requirements for Quick Fix

—2500 to 2000 health

    Torvald increased requirements for Obliterated

—1100 to 1800 damage

    Torvald increased requirements for A Thousand Cuts

—4 to 5 hits

    Crow increased requirements for Stop Motion

—from 10 seconds to slow for 12 seconds

    Sunny increased requirements for Power Aid

—from 6 seconds to boost for 24 seconds

Mastery Adjustments

Reduced the requirements for the following masteries

    Skilled Tongue Grab

— Grab 10 creatures with tongue grab

— Was 30 creatures

     Skilled Shrapnel Grenade

— Allow 160 Bonus Damage (from weak spots)

— Was Allow 1000 Bonus Damage

    Skilled Rock Wall

—Deal 5500 damage with the wall

— Was 8000 damage

    Skilled Fissure

—Deal 13000 damage

— Was 22000

    Skilled Jetpack Boost

    Boost Jetpacks for 60 second
    Was 120 seconds

    Skilled Leech Gun

—Do 20000 Damage

— Was 30000 Damage

    Expert Spore Cloud Launcher

— Keep the Monster in smoke for 5 seconds (20 times)

— Was 20 seconds

    Expert Shield Drone

— Shield 19000 total damage

— Was 35000 damage

    Expert Jetpack Boost

    Boost Jetpacks in combat for 50 seconds

— Was 120 seconds 

    Expert Tongue Grab

— Grab Hunters 25 times

— Was 50 times

    Expert Lava Bomb

—Hit multiple creatures 20 times

— Was 50 times

    Expert Healing Drone

— Revive 10 teammates with a Healing Drone

— Was 50 teammates

    Elite Shield Drone

— Shield 2000 damage in a single round 20 times

— Was 3000 damage

    Elite Healing Drone

— Heal 20 teammates from 80 meters away

— Was from 100 meters

    Elite Tongue Grab

— Grab Hunters in mid-air 30 times

— Was 175 times

    Elite Fissure

— Deal damage to multiple Hunters 30 times

— Was 100 times

    Elite Spore Cloud Launcher

— Smoke Revive 10 teammates

— Was 50 teammates

Increased the requirements for the following masteries

     Expert Rock Wall

— Trap a creature between the wall and you 60 times

— Was 30 times

    Expert Leech Gun

    Generate 100 heal bursts (when 50% or more of the heal burst cooldown charge was generated with the       leeching gun

—Was 50 bursts

    Elite Stasis Gun

— Enable the team to do 110000 damage while the monster is slowed

— Was 15000 damage

    Elite Lava Bomb

—Hit multiple Hunters 100 times

— Was 50 times

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information



Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): 2K Games
Developer(s): Turtle Rock Studios
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Sci-Fi, Action
Release Date: 2014-09-01

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