Nexus Mods Responds to Steam Charging for Mods

Nexus Mods choses to keep its mods free.

By Artemis, Posted 24 Apr 2015

Recently, it was announced by Valve and Bethesda that from now on there will be mods available for purchase on the Steam Workshop, rather than being for free like they were before. There are still over 24,000 mods that are on the workshop available for free, but mod creators now have the option of setting a fee before users can install their mods. Now, this obviously caused some controversy throughout the community, since modding Bethesda games has always been free and nearly essential considering what sort of moments you can make from them. Skyrim modding has been the cornerstone of the Skyrim PC community for quite some time, and this looks to change the atmosphere.

According to a recent Kotaku article,one of the mods promoting this event, the art of the catch, was already taken down for borrowing assets from another mod, which means that within hours of going live, the system has already lost one of its promoters.

Steam Workshop Skyrim fishing

Steam Workshop isn't the only place to get mods and for anyone who mods skyrim, Nexus Mods is one of the best places to go to do so. With hundreds of thousands of mods available, it was safe to say that the members were concerned.Members of the staff had already predicted this and had this to say:

“What I will say, however, is that many mod authors have mods on the Nexus and on the Skyrim Workshop, some of whom already have paid mods on the Workshop. I've taken a quick look at the comments on those paid file pages and some of the things being said are horrific. While I'm sure no one is shocked by that, this is the internet after all, simply looking at it reminds me of one of the main reasons we do what we do here. We moderate. We try to fence off a little piece of the internet where your actions have consequences, and with that in mind, if we see anyone attacking or abusing mod authors here because they have paid mods up on the Workshop you'll be gone. Instantly. With no warning.

The Nexus is for everyone from every background, colour, creed, and political, religious or sexual persuasion. We strive to make this a community where anyone and everyone can enjoy something here away from hate. And that includes mod authors who want to make money. So if you break that peace and attack mod authors here for what they've chosen to do, you'll be gone. By all means debate, but when your debating becomes abusive, it's no longer debating.”

Nexus Mods is sticking to their original policies, and chooses not to get involved with all of what is going on. But it appears that if any hostility in the community occurs that they are willing to put their foot down and kick them out as soon as possible. Since the first announcement, Nexus Mods' staff made another one reassuring the community. They stated that while some mods have been hidden because they are being charged for now, they will keep their servers open for those who want to give their mods away for free. Keeping the Nexus a safe place to get free mods to make your Skyrim experience even better.

Angelina Bonilla, NoobFeed (@Twitter)

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): Bethesda Softworks
Developer(s): Bethesda Game Studios
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Fantasy, Action
Release Date: 2011-11-11

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