Vermintide Developer Fatshark Also Announces Bloodsports.TV

Fatshark likes churning out games, Bloodsports.TV is its latest.

By Daavpuke, Posted 24 Feb 2015

Well, developer Fatshark sure likes keeping busy. One of their latest announcements is Bloodsports.TV, a top-down co-op game the likes of Trash TV and other depraved examples on the topic, coming to PC as soon as April 8, 2015 for a yet undetermined price.

bloodsports.TV,PC,Fatshark,Krater,Dead Island

So far, the pitch for the game is rather straightforward. Pick up some fighters of distinct classes, each with their own skill set, to battle against an endless wave of varied monster choices. Eviscerate your foes, heal your allies and increase your skills to rank up on the leaderboards.

Bloodsports.TV has a peculiar cel-shaded visual style with lots of grime to signify its chaotic theme. It’s, in fact, similar to another recent game from the developer, namely the abominable Escape Dead Island. Weirdly enough, the gameplay also resembles the arena tendencies of Dead Island: Epidemic, the free-to-play spinoff of the way too active franchise from publisher Deep Silver.

Perhaps more heartwarming to fans of the company, Bloodsports.TV is a spinoff in itself, directly related to Krater, one of the breakout hits of Fatshark in 2012. That roleplaying game eventually brought the team to work on War of the Roses and its Vikings sequel for publisher Paradox Interactive. In recent news, Fatshark has also snagged the production of Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide, a first-person adventure that makes a return to the fantasy realm of Games Workshop. We'll show you a trailer below. That’s one active company with a varied portfolio to boot.

We look forward to both these titles. Feel free to tell us what you think about the workload from developer Fatshark in the comments. In the meantime, here’s a Trash TV-esque trailer for Bloodsports.TV.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): Deep Silver
Developer(s): Fatshark
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Survival Horror
Release Date: 2014-11-18

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