Square Enix Ceasing All Facebook Functionality For Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Starting April 1 players will no longer have access to Facebook Otherworld services in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

By Grayshadow, Posted 21 Feb 2015

Time is precious, nothing last forever. In Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII some of the Otherworld features have sadly run out time.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII,Square Enix,Noobfeed,

According to the a official Square Enix blog post functionalities linked to Facebook will stop in April. This includes posting to your Facebook news feed, viewing other players Otherworld posts on Facebook, The Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Timeline Application and summoning other players posts.

“All other Otherworld Services features will not be affected and will continue to work as usual though. So you can continue to take snapshots and post them on Twitter and see other peoples’ Otherworld tweets” according to the post. The Siegfried garb, which can only be obtained by submitting your battle score after defeating Zaltys in the demo, will now be an automatic unlock after April 1 by accessing other Otherworld services. 

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII launched in North America and Europe in February 2014 on Xbox 360 and PS3. Taking place 500 years after the events of Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning has been awakened by the god of light Bhunivelza to free as many souls as possible before the world ends in 13 days. While Lightning’s final major adventure was praised for having an engaging combat system and dense customizable options most criticized the game’s story and mission structure, which lacked the same creativity that past game’s in the franchise had.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3
Publisher(s): Square Enix
Developer(s): Square Enix, tri-Ace
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Action
Release Date: 2014-02-11

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