Distractionware Releases VVVVVV : Make and Play Edition, Free of Charge

Grab your free copy of Distractionware's VVVVVV: Make and Play Edition right now.

By XboxBetty, Posted 12 Jun 2014

Terry Cavanagh of Distractionware, creator of Super Hexagon, VVVVVV and numerous other games, announced this morning that he's released a special build of VVVVVV, dubbed VVVVVV : Make and Play Edition.

VVVVVV is a minimalistic platformer wherein players can reverse the gravitational pull, from floor to ceiling, in an instant. One Captain Viridian is tasked with recovering his ship's crew and saving the universe. Elegantly moving through the game can be quite the challenge, however, the game was designed with straightforward progression in mind - "no locks, no power-ups, no switches, nothing to stop you progressing except the challenges themselves."

VVVVVV, Distractionware, Terry Cavanagh, Make and Play Edition, Free, Game

"Inspired by things like Knytt Stories and DROD: Architect’s Edition, I’m releasing a special build of VVVVVV on Windows, Mac and Linux today," said Cavanagh about VVVVVV : Make and Play Edition. This 100% free edition includes the player levels and the level editor for the game, therefore, those interested in making and playing player levels for VVVVVV now have the resources  to do so, completely free of charge.

With so many V's, this platformer must have oodles of fun to offer. VVVVVV : Make and Play Edition is now available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Get your hands on it here.

If free isn't your thing, or perhaps you'd like to play Cavanagh's creation in its entirety, VVVVVV is currently marked down 50% on Steam, and it's available for other platforms including iPhone, iPad, Android, and Ouya. "VVVVVV’s important to me, and it was really important to me that this be done right," said Cavanagh about the game's mobile ports.

VVVVVV, Distractionware, Terry Cavanagh, Make and Play Edition, Free, Game

This morning's announcement also brought good news to PlayStation Vita users, as VVVVVV's Vita release date got a little more specific. It will be releasing sometime this summer.

There are numerous ways to play VVVVVV, with the game available to nearly every type of gamer. Clearly Distractionware has put many hours and a lot of work into making the game accessible to everyone, thus it'd be a shame not to give this title the attention it deserves.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed

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General Information



Platform(s): PC, 3DS, Vita, Mobile
Publisher(s): Terry Cavanagh
Developer(s): Terry Cavanagh, Nicalis
Genres: 2D Platformer
Themes: Puzzle
Release Date: 2010-01-11

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