Madness! 50 More Titles Progress Through Steam Greenlight

This time around 50 semi-exciting titles made their way through Steam Greenlight.

By XboxBetty, Posted 06 Feb 2014

With the February 5 batch of Greenlit titles, fifty have moved through Steam Greenlight and will soon be available through Steam. This batch includes the usual mix of shooters, platformers, horror and adventure games. Unfortunately, this time around there's not a whole lot to get excited about.  

Fans of the system may look through the most current list of Greenlit games and wonder how many of these titles progressed through the program so quickly. However, it is much too early to judge the quality of the titles as none have released on Steam and many are still in development. Despite the community's uproar over the current list of Greenlit games, there are a handful that stick out from the crowd.


CATDAMMIT! Director's Cat sees players roaming the streets as Roman, a homeless, milk addicted cat who falls upon a chainsaw and begins causing chaos throughout his neighborhood. Cartoon visuals and silly characters make this arcade beat 'em up one hell of an intriguing idea.

Speaking of the fiery abyss, Go to Hell Dave is a point and click adventure game set in the depths of hell. While cruising around with his girlfriend, Dave crashes his car into a lamp-post and wakes up alone in a run-down hell. Players will explore Hell's nine floors and meet a cast of bizarre characters, all while soaking up some classic British humor.

Go to Hell Dave,NoobFeed,Steam,Greenlight

Those are just two of the many Greenlit games that you may or may not get excited about. To see the entire list of the February 5 batch of Greenlit titles visit the Steam Greenlight community.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed.

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General Information

Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Steam
Developer(s): N/A
Genres: Indie
Themes: N/A
Release Date: 2012-08-30

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