A Plethora of Games Greenlit Today

This time around, thirty-two titles were Greenlit.

By XboxBetty, Posted 03 Oct 2013

Today another cluster of titles moved their way through Steam Greenlight, and will be available to play on Steam in the coming months.

Criteria for choosing these titles remains the same as it has with past Greenlit games. Community votes, press attention, crowd-funding success' and awards all factor into to whether or not a game becomes Greenlit.

This time around, thirty-two titles were Greenlit: 31 games and one piece of software. Included in the group are Fibrillation, Race the Sun, Skyscraper Simulator, Slenderman's Shadow and Zombies. - to name a few. To see the entire list visit the Steam Community.

Be sure to swing by the Steam Greenlight page to vote on games you would like to see Greenlit in the future.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed.com.

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General Information

Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Steam
Developer(s): N/A
Genres: Indie
Themes: N/A
Release Date: 2012-08-30

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