Epic Games Silently Erases the Next Unreal Tournament’s Evidence Off

Fans are not happy about the disappearance of the next Unreal’s mention in the Steam page.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 06 Jun 2023

For the other people, who did not choose the mainstream way of playing Quake, Half Life or Doom, Unreal Tournament was another option to have a chill session of fragging and hanging around. Unreal has been one of the pinnacle names for the first person deathmatch titles, and certainly it holds its crown to this day. Except its publisher, Epic Games -not to be confused with the launcher- who desperately want to make it harder for people to reach their successful online shooter.

When Epic started removing and delisting their games off from the market, people were mostly baffled by their choices. As their highly-praised classic shooter games were taking down from stores, there was a hope on the horizon. Unreal Tournament 3’s webpage on Steam included a hint by developers on the new, upcoming Unreal Tournament which included cross-play, no transactions and completely a vanilla experience. This was huge news as people who were pretty much asking for a pure shooting game with no fuss were relieved. Project was called Unreal Tournament 3 X and it was the talk of the day, until its mention got erased by Epic, just like the previous games’ availability.

Unreal Tournament, FPS, Epic Games, Unreal Tournament 3 X, Deathmatch, NoobFeed

Now this does not exactly mean Epic Games have ceased the development of Unreal Tournament 3 X, in fact they might be getting ready for a completely fresh, separate page for listing might be on the way. However, being let down by Epic Games for a numerous times, fans speculate this is another “pulling-the-cord” action by Epic. As they are already earning humongous amounts from their other franchises such as Fortnite or basically the sales revenue from Epic Games Launcher. Still, people are expecting to see the light of the day, confirmation of a new Unreal Tournament is in the works by Epic themselves.

Atilla Turan
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): Midway Games
Developer(s): Epic Games
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Action
Release Date: 2007-11-19

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