Shadow of the Erdtree, Elden Ring Expansion Confirmed

The First Elden Ring DLC expansion Shadow of the Erdtree has been confirmed by FromSoftware.

By Rayan, Posted 28 Feb 2023

The long-awaited story expansion for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree has finally been confirmed by FromSoftwar. Since this new addition is being referred to as an expansion, not DLC, we can expect a colossal amount of content from FromSoftware, just like the original game.

Being as mysterious as always, FromSoftware has revealed only a single piece of artwork for the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion alongside the Twitter announcement, which depicted a ghostly figure in white robes and long blond hair riding Torrent traversing a haunted landscape. A distant Erdtree, seemingly on its last legs, is obscured against a foreboding sky. The only thing we could know from a past interview with Hidetaka Miyazaki is that they are still developing this expansion, and the work still needs to be finished.

Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree, First DLC, Expansion, NoobFeed, Miquella’s Horse

With only the title and the featured image above to go on, it is impossible to speculate on the plot or themes that Shadow of the Erdtree will explore. These details, however, are enough on their own to keep fans guessing for weeks about a game with such an incredible and complex storyline. There has been intense speculation that Torrent was Miquella’s horse, and this expansion is based on what happened before the Elden Ring game. Senior Contributor of Forbes Paul Tassi has given some interesting theories after analyzing the artwork, as have many YouTubers who previously explored the Elden Ring lore. Guess we can only wait and see what comes next from FromSoftware to end all speculations.

There was no further information provided in the announcement, including a release date or specifics on the upcoming expansion. Same as the original, Shadow of the Erdtree too will be published by Bandai Namco, and the Elden Ring official Japanese website confirms that the expansion will be available for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC along with with the main story.

Azfar Rayan (@AzfarRayan)
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): BNE LLC, Namco Bandai Games America Inc.
Developer(s): FromSoftware Inc.
Genres: Role-Playing
Themes: Dark Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Soulslike
Release Date: 2024-06-21

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