E3 2023 Won’t Have Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo

E3 2023 will not be the big return some suspected, because Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo are not coming back to the classic gaming convention.

By LCLupus, Posted 31 Jan 2023

E3 2023 will not have Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo in attendance, and this is the first proper E3 since 2019. E3 was once a massive industry event that brought all the major players together into one convention hall in Los Angeles for several days of condensed gaming announcements, reveals, and hype. Then the Covid-19 pandemic happened and it suddenly wasn’t such a great idea to have a bunch of people in a big, confined space together. Now that it’s back for 2023, there was some expectation that things would blow up again, but that has seemingly not happened.

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Instead of a huge blowout, three of the biggest names in gaming have simply decided to ignore it this year and do their own thing. This news was reported by IGN and was attained from “multiple knowledgeable sources” from within each of these major publishers and console manufacturers. Not only will none of the companies have a press conference, but they also won’t have a presence on the show floor either. These companies are simply not attending.

This does not mean that these companies aren’t going to do anything come June, because E3 has solidified that time period as the time in which various things are announced. For instance, Microsoft has decided to do its own showcase at the same time as E3. This is simply a matter of convenience.

Sony and Nintendo will likely continue to do their own thing too, such as Nintendo’s Direct format, which provides information directly to gamers without the need for all the pageantry of E3. This likely means that E3 will slowly change more into a consumer show, like PAX. The major players don’t feel the need to be there anymore, so we’ll have to wait and see how long E3 remains a relevant force in the games industry.

Justin van Huyssteen (@LC_Lupus)
Senior Editor, NoobFeed

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Publisher(s): Microsoft
Developer(s): Microsoft
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