Razer will Honor the Fake 90% Coupon

Some deals are too good to be true.

By Grayshadow, Posted 22 Apr 2013

The internet is filled with plenty of options, especially when purchasing products. Sometime you come across a deal that is too good to be true, unfortunately this is the case. Recently a coupon giving UK customers 90% Razer products went viral and resulted in a spending frenzy. Scams over the internet are common but what is shocking is the reaction of the company itself after being hit by this unfortunate incident.

While the company has the full legal right to cancel all transactions that were made using this discount the company CEO, Min-Liang Tan, has decided to honor the orders but only on a single item and not the entire purchase.

Min-Liang also stated that “it will likely cost us an insane amount of losses to make good on the orders which will really really hurt us as we’re still a small company - that much said, we want to do right by the community.” And that orders can take “few weeks (and up to a few months in certain cases) to get all these orders processed and shipped”.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed

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  • No f****** way. Mad props to Razer.
    Posted Apr 22, 2013
  • @XboxBetty Despite Razer's bewildering decision a lot of people are canceling their orders in response to this.
    Posted Apr 22, 2013

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