Black Ops 2: New DLC Coming

Black Ops 2: New DLC announced with new maps and weapons.

By fishdalf, Posted 09 Jan 2013

It’s been just over a month and a half now since the release of Black Ops 2 and despite its criticisms over lag compensation and such it’s been one of the most successful Call of Duty titles to date. Now we get to continue the trend by playing on some new multiplayer maps, a new zombies mode and for the first time ever play with a new gun called The Peacemaker.



There will be four new maps: Hydro, Downhill, Grind and Mirage. Hydro takes place at a dam where certain sections of the map become flooded at certain times and remaining in those sections too long will see you wiped away, much like the train sections of Express. Downhill will be the first Black Ops 2 snow level and take place at a ski resort where snowy peaks and the occasional gondola can be used as cover. Grind takes place at a skate park, complete with ramps, bowls and grind rails a plenty. The smooth curved nature of this map will make for some interesting tactics as head glitching behind acute objects will be a lot tougher to pull off. Lastly there is Mirage that sees you doing battle in a sand-swept resort in the Gobi desert, with large parts of the map caped in sand and debris.

Die Rise - or ‘The Rise’ in German – is a new zombies map that takes place across various savaged skyscrapers and there will be plenty of hazardous vertical challenges for players to navigate. The level is also strewn with mind boggling illusions where sometimes you just won’t know which way is up, as staircases and such are literally turned upside down.



The new zombie mode will be called Turned and sees you take on the role of the zombie as you attempt to run after and turn a single person. Once this is achieved you then become the one single human and the tables are turned. It’s an interesting concept and sees modes like Infected from Modern Warfare 3 and Michael Myers from the original Black Ops completely flipped on their head.

The new gun known as The Peacemaker will be categorized as a sub-machine gun, but will apparently bridge the gap between its own class and the assault rifle class, I’m guessing with added range and a slower fire rate. My hope is that it isn’t too overpowered and it doesn’t tinker with the balance between all weapons, which is something they’ve got spot on thus far. They also need to work out what happens when someone with the downloadable content installed dies and drops their weapon; will the gun disappear or will those who haven’t purchased it still be able to pick it up for the remainder of the match? Either way it will be interesting to see implemented.


Craig Bryan, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Publisher(s): Activision
Developer(s): Treyarch
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Action
Release Date: 2012-11-12

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