Bandai Namco Reveals Survival Quiz City Tokyo Game Show Closed Beta

Survival Quiz City closed beta starts this September

By Grayshadow, Posted 17 Sep 2021

Today Bandai Namco and Phoenixx have announced the quiz action title Survival Quiz City is having a closed beta this September 29th and will run until October 2nd on Steam.

Survival Quiz City,NoobFeed,

This is a closed beta and only select users will be granted access to the closed beta, with servers live from 5 pm to 8 pm PDT on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 9 am to 12 pm PDT Thursday, Sept. 30,  5-8 pm PDT Friday, Oct. 1, and 9 am-12 pm PDT Saturday, Oct. 2. Those who miss out on the closed beta won’t have to navigate an obstacle course to get hands-on, as the Saturday, Oct. 16 playtest is open to all who register on Steam, with servers live 4am-7am PDT, 1pm-4pm PDT, and 8pm-11pm PDT.

“Survival Quiz City’s betas have been tremendous for improving the game so far, and we’re excited to get feedback from our next two betas,” said Yusuke Shigeta, Survival Quiz City Director and BANDAI NAMCO Studios. “We look forward to working with our contestant community to make this game the best it can be with your feedback!” 

Survival Quiz City’s closed beta takes place Wednesday, Sept. 29 to Saturday, Oct. 2, and next open beta Saturday, Oct. 16 to Saturday, Oct. 17 on Steam for Windows PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Bandai Namco
Developer(s): Pheonixx
Genres: Adventure, Action,
Themes: Strategy
Release Date: 2021

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