Watch Dogs Update 4.5 Adds Next-Gen FPS Boosts and Stability Improvements

Multiplayer now available in Watch Dogs Legion

By Grayshadow, Posted 01 Jun 2021

The latest update for Watch Dogs Legion is now live and it adds new online content along with a next-gen FPS boost.

Watch Dogs Legion,NoobFeed,

The update is massive and you can read it below. The short is that new stability changes have been added along with other quality of life improvements. PC players can now test future updates for Watch Dogs Legion with the Alpha of Legion of the Dead available through the option.

New Tactical Op: Project Omni


Take on this intense, challenging content with 3 other players. DedSec infiltrates a secret project that is affecting people’s Optik devices throughout the city… only to find out that a mad doctor has been experimenting on people and has merged their brains with a neural network that he controls. He must be stopped.


Quality of Life updates:

60 FPS performance mode for next-gen consoles.

Cross-family play is now enabled. Players on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, as well as PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 can now play together within their console family.

Added loading screen hints for the HUD customization options.

We've made several adjustments and optimizations to the start of the Single Player campaign. This will speed up some of the early areas and make it easier for new players to find their footing in our near-future London.

HUD Display Presets




Developer Comment:

At launch we put a lot of work into giving players the ability to manually turn ON or OFF nearly every element of the HUD to fine tune their experience. But it can be intimidating to dive into all those options and get something that feels right, so we've added a few curated presets that we feel provide different experiences.

Added a "Light" preset, which turns off a few of the most intrusive HUD elements

Added an "Immersive" preset, which keeps only the most necessary information

Improved Operative Bio (Mission Memories)




Developer Comment

Part of the core vision for Legion is the potential bonds that can form between a player and members of their team. But one of the caveats is that any given operative's story, accomplishments, and head canon lives entirely…well in players' heads. Operative Memories, along with other quality of life improvements to the Bio section such as Operative Statistic, is part of our effort to help take some of those moments and accomplishments out of the head canon and have them be reflected by the game itself. Our goal is to have players be able to reflect back on their favorite, most veteran members of DedSec and see a stark difference between them and a fresh new operative.

Added over 80 memories that will appear in an operative's bio when they complete various missions


New free Operative:


Helen will join your DedSec ranks on June 15th. She will be a free Operative available through the Premium Store!


Online mode:

Season 2: New free reward track for the Online Mode:

A new reward track is now live for players in the Online Mode. Level up and earn exclusive cosmetics, ETO, Watch Dogs Credits and more!

New reward track features 80 ranks of progression.

Each influence reward is smaller than in Season 1 (8, vs 10), but overall, the season has significantly more Influence to earn.

There are more cosmetic items to be earned compared to Season 1.

Updated sound and visual effects when claiming rewards.

New Daily Challenges have been added.

Greatly expanded the set of Masks that can be found in Hotspots.

Ability to profile other players.

You are now able to profile other players in your session to view their stats.

Slightly reduced overall difficulty of Co-op missions:

You now have more time to revive a fallen teammate, increased by +5 seconds.

You now have more time to locate the dead bodies in Meltdown, increased by +30 seconds.

Increased HP for the backpack in Meltdown & Repossession missions, by +25%.

Online mode buttons have received some polish.



Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead – Alpha launches on PC


A new mode has been added to Watch Dogs: Legion for players on PC. Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead will be in alpha for now and you can find detailed information in our dedicated blog here. It is now available for all owners of Watch Dogs: Legion on PC. Players on consoles and cloud platforms will be able to join the test in the future.


Bug fixes:

Fixed an issue that could cause a waypoint to disappear when reaching the Tower of London location during Online mode Assignments.

Fixed an issue that could cause Mina to despawn when mind-controlling an enemy.

Fixed missing subtitles from all locals during the “... And Rise” mission in single player.

Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong cooldown to be displayed after using the Gun Jam ability of the Guardian Drone gadget.

Fixed a placeholder text in the objective during the Dysfunction Online co-op mission when playing with a German client.

Fixed missing sound effects for the Absorption Shield ability of the First Responder when being used on friendly NPCs or players.

Fixed several low-resolution textures around London.

Fixed incorrect images in the Online mode tutorial.

Fixed floaty Spiderbot jumping.

Adjusted input curve for look speed to create a smoother experience.

Fixed Mina’s poncho to prevent clipping when wearing larger masks.

Fixed an issue that could cause the map reveal music to repeatedly play after finishing a Borough Uprising mission.

Fixed an issue that could cause the recruitment objectives to not properly update after recruiting the appropriate Operatives during the “Swipe Right” mission.

Fixed missing color from the eyes and mouth of the card box mask.

Fixed an issue that caused the background music to appear muffled during the boxing tutorial.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash during the Blume Tower cinematic when the menu narration option was turned on during the “Restart DedSec” mission.

Fixed an issue that caused blue jeans to be yellow.

Fixed an issue that caused Mina to retain weapons of mind controlled enemy NPCs after the mind control had ended.

Fixed an issue that caused the game to lose all audio when playing with a controller.

Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen after switching between Operatives for the first time.

Fixed an issue that could cause the necessary vehicle during the “Intelligence Gathering” and “Goods Recovery” Online assignments not to spawn.

Fixed an issue that could cause the necessary hostage during the “Trafficking Victim” and “Rescue Organiser” Online assignments not to spawn.

Fixed an issue that caused several Spiderbot skin textures to look too similar to each other.

Fixed an issue that could cause a frozen frame to be shown when accessing Photo Mode while moving.

Fixed an issue that caused Operatives to shrink in size when equipping the Deputy Director uniform.

Fixed an issue that could cause the “Expose Illegal Seizure” Online Assignment to not spawn correctly.

Fixed an issue that could cause an Angry-Escargot error when trying to connect to the Online mode after switching the game to an Asian language.

Fixed an issue where the mission area wouldn’t properly be displayed for the Online mode Co-Op mission “Dysfunction”.

Fixed an issue that would cause the “Use takedowns while undetected in Co-op missions” challenge to only count weapon takedowns.

Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen when trying to connect to the Online mode under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue that could cause a second Mina to spawn under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue that could cause players to be blocking each other when trying to access the DedSec hackerspace shop.

Fixed an issue that prevented players from purchasing DLC while playing on different platforms with the same Ubisoft Connect account under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue that prevented Borough Uprising UI elements to not be displayed properly under certain circumstances.

Fixed lighting issues in the Blume complex building.

Fixed an issue that caused the AR Medical Shield visual effects to appear corrupted during cinematics.

Fixed an issue that could cause the Guardian Drone ability to go unintentionally go on cooldown when using it on a player in a vehicle in Online co-op.

Fixed an issue where a second network error would be displayed after disconnecting and reconnecting to the game.

Fixed an issue that could cause Bareknuckle Arena bouncers to inherit Mina’s ability when mind controlling a bouncer with Mina.

Made improvements to the game that should reduce hitching and freezing some players have experienced while playing.

Fixed outdated description of “Gameplay Event CC” in the Audio and Language options menu.

Fixed missing audio reverb when Mina is saying that her OMNI Optik is on cooldown. Fixed an issue that caused the LTL Stun Gun reload animation to be too stiff. Relax!

Fixed an issue that would cause placeholder tiles to show in in-game shops when scrolling through items.

Fixed an issue that caused placeholder text to be present under certain circumstances during the “Repossession” co-op mission.

Fixed an issue where the “View Summary” text in the teams tab was not localized for certain languages.




Fixed missing sound effects for the AR Medical Shield ability of the First Responder.

Fixed an issue that could cause the VIP for the Tower Hamlets Borough Uprising opportunity to not spawn.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when mind controlling an enemy NPC with Mina and the NPC dying.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when mind controlling an enemy NPC with Mina when a matchmaking vote was started in Online mode.

Removed superfluous spaces between words in tutorials while playing with an Arabic version of Watch Dogs: Legion.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after interacting with the keypad inside the elevator during the “Use Tower elevator” objective in the “In Full Blume” mission.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game mode text to jitter while in the Online mode menus.

Fixed an issue that could cause players to be unable to complete the “Home and Hosed” mission.

Fixed an issue that caused the Mounted Shield ability to not have the proper cooldown under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue that would cause the Killer Beat ability to earn ETO while driving when entering a vehicle after using the ability.

Fixed inconsistencies between the objective text and the hovercard text during the “The Heist” mission.

Fixed an issue where Mounted Shields could persist indefinitely if the player spawning the shield would leave the Online mode session.

Fixed an issue that would cause the incorrect gender to be displayed in the Deep Profiler when using several localizations of the game.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after releasing a mind controlled enemy NPC with Mina.

Fixed several issues where abilities used the wrong gender information in several localizations of the game.

Fixed floating laptops in the “Dysfunction” Co-op mission.

Fixed excessive amount of drone docking stations in the “Dysfunction” Co-op mission.

Fixed an issue that caused bomb timer sound effects to still be played when sound effect volume was set to 0.

Fixed the flickering on several decals on shops in the open world.

Fixed an issue that caused the “Bleeding out” warnings and timers to not be affected by Deuteranopia and Protanopia options.

Fixed an issue that caused character names to appear cut-off at a certain length when inspecting them in the hackerspace shop while playing with Japanese localization.

Fixed an issue that caused the visuals of Mina’s “OMNI Optik” to appear green intead of purple when playing with Ultra ray-tracing settings.




Enabled audio downmixing when using quick resume to improve audio quality.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when putting the console in standby mode during an Online mode session and then resuming the game.

Fixed an issue that caused the French audio to be missing from the first dialogue with Mina.



Xbox One

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when joining or leaving a co-op session in the Online mode.

Fixed an issue that could case Swarm Drones to become unresponsive once falling below 50% health in Online mode sessions.

Fixed an issue that could cause the screen to flicker when navigating in and out of selections in the Options menu.



Xbox Series X/S

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze while free roaming in Online mode.




Fixed an issue that caused players on PlayStation 4 to not be able to see PlayStation 5 profiles when pressing “View profile” and vice versa.

Fixed an issue that would cause a player to not properly disconnect from an Online mode session when signing out of the PlayStation network.



PlayStation 4

Fixed an issue that could cause the player to receive an “Boring-0x00000001” error when trying to connect to Ubisoft Connect with a new account on a Russian SKU of Watch Dogs: Legion.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when pressing X on the prompt screen when starting Watch Dogs: Legion.

Fixed an issue that could cause FPS drops while delivering the backpack during the “Repossession” co-op mission.



PlayStation 5

Added missing activity cards to the Online mode.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when a matchmaking vote was initialized while using the mind control ability of Mina.

Fixed an issue that could cause players to become stuck when mind controlling an enemy NPC and moving out of bounds.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when accessing the hackerspace shop.




Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when another player initiated a matchmaking vote during Online co-op.

Fixed an issue that would cause the player position and nameplate to not properly display after mind controlling an enemy NPC with Mina and letting the NPC die during an Online mode co-op session.

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash after shooting red propane tanks at The Hackney Baths.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Ubisoft
Developer(s): Ubisoft
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Hacking
Release Date: 2020-10-29

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