Returnal Patch 1.3.7 Fixes Audio Issues and Black Screen

Returnal has a new update

By Grayshadow, Posted 20 May 2021

Returnal has a new patch available right now to resolve audio problems, boss issues, and more.


Patch Notes:

Fixed an issue with Deceased Scouts not appearing as often as intended.

• After having one of their Deceased Scout corpses scavenged, players will no longer receive a negative-effect parasite on startup.

• Fixed an issue where the Ophion boss might disappear after a player uses the Reconstructor during the fight.

• Fixed a rare audio bug causing loud noises during combat.

• Fixed a small number of issues where players might become stuck in various rooms.

• Fixed several issues where the player might encounter a black screen during the credits or whilst playing.

• Multiple fixes for rare crashes during gameplay.

Returnal stars Selene Vassos, an ASTRA Corporation explorer who disobeys orders and lands on an off-limits planet called Atropos. Her focus is to explore a transmission called White Shadow but learns quickly when dying her timeline resets, creating a loop. She must try and break the loop by using the information from past versions of herself while fighting off the planet's hostile life.

Returnal is now available for PS5.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information



Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): PlayStation Studios, Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer(s): Housemarque, Climax Studios
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Sci-Fi, Role-Playing
Release Date: 2021-03-30

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