343 Confirms Halo Infinite Multiplayer Is Free-to-Play

Halo Infinite will be free to everyone

By Grayshadow, Posted 01 Aug 2020

Recently, leaked information about Halo Infinite's multiplayer being free-to-play and now 343 Industries have confirmed the news. Halo Infinite's is free-to-play and the game will support 120 FPS on Xbox Series X.

Halo Infinite,NoobFeed,Microsoft,

Halo is for everyone. We can confirm #HaloInfinite multiplayer will be free-to-play and will support 120FPS on Xbox Series X. More details will be shared later! pic.twitter.com/9bIrppFiON

— Halo (@Halo) July 31, 2020

343 has not confirmed the existence of a battle pass yet but it's pretty much expected. The monetization system will definitely reflect this new model, expect more of it. Hopefully, the infamous packs from Halo 5 won't be there but who knows at this point.

Halo Infinite will be a live service title with expansions launching for the title over the years. Seeing that Microsoft's model is now to provide their games to as many people as possible going free-to-play is the best possible option. Currently, rumors are circulating that Microsoft is ditching the multiplayer required service Xbox Gold for free-to-play titles as Sony did.

Halo Infinite launches this holiday season for PC and Xbox One.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Halo Infinite


Platform(s): Xbox One, PC
Publisher(s): Xbox Game Studios
Developer(s): 343 Industries
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Sci-fi, Action, Adventure
Release Date: 2021-12-08

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