First Trailer for The Outlast Trials Released

Red Barrels Games releases cinematic trailer for The Outlast Trials

By Grayshadow, Posted 14 Jun 2020

Back in April 2018, Red Barrel Games confirmed that the next game in the Outlast series would not be Outlast 3. Then in December 2019 the studio revealed the title with an image, called The Outlast Trails. Now we finally get a cinematic trailer showing what players can expect,

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The trailer shows a bunch of doctors experimenting on people. We then cut to someone running from a mutated human and working with a woman before she is killed and then the guy dies next. The trailer ends with a release window of 2021.

We know that the game is cooperative so it's likely 2-player cooperative judging from the trailer. It's also inside an Asylum so perhaps this is a prequel to the first game and what we are seeing are the first subjects and the doctors trying to escape after they escape.

Hopefully, this game performs better than Outlast 2. Despite the first game's huge success fans were not as pleased with the second game. Largely due to the game's heavy linear chase scenes and the poor protagonist who lacked the ability to perform basic jumps.

The Outlast Trials launches in 2021.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Red Barrel Games
Developer(s): Red Barrel Games
Genres: Survival Horror
Themes: Co-Op, PvE
Release Date: 2024-03-24

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