GodFall Revealed During PlayStation 5 Event

Gearbox Studios has revealed a new game for solo and co-op play, featuring unique creatures, weapons, and armor.

By Kiemour, Posted 11 Jun 2020

During the Playstation 5 reveal event on June 11, Gearbox Software announced their newest project, a game known as Godfall. 

This upcoming looter-slasher combines medieval style weapons with magic and insane acrobatics, allowing players to kill their enemies in a variety of ways. Based on the gameplay reveal trailer, the Godfall's combat seems to focus on new movesets based on the weapon that the player is wielding, along with a dodge and counter-attack method of avoiding and dealing damage. Godfall allows players to kill their enemies with magic swords, giant hammers, pikes and more.

Godfall Combat

While no official story has been revealed for the game, Gearbox has mentioned the name of their new world, Aperion. The world of Godfall seems to be a lush and detailed open world, full of monsters and champions for players to battle. The trailer shows players fighting enemies within temples, in forests, and even in front of shrines. The variety of locations within the game reveals that a more detailed story is sure to come as the game approaches its release date. The game also boasts  powerful cosmetics, such as the armor that players wear during their adventures. The armor will supposedly grant players unique abilities based on the item, as one set of armor grants players the ability to hurl magical swords at enemies.

GodFall World

Play alone or with friends, Godfall has undoubtedly incorporated Borderlands' seamless transitions from solo to co-op mode with the PlayStation 5's unreal capabilities in order to balance the game, based on the number of players.

Godfall will release for the Playstation 5 and Epic Game Store during Holiday 2020.

Kieran Mouritsen
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): PS4, PS3, Vita
Publisher(s): SONY
Developer(s): Sony Interactive Entertainment
Genres: N/A
Themes: N/A
Release Date: 2020

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