Apex Legends Begins Work On New Map

The squad-based hero FPS has released hints that a new map is being developed.

By Kiemour, Posted 03 Jun 2020

Respawn Entertainment's popular hero shooter Apex Legends just recently received a map rework in their Season 5 update, and now signs are pointing an entirely new map being in the works for future seasons. 

Although the company has yet to make any official announcements, a new job posting was added on May 19 with the following description: Respawn is looking for someone to "create and own large scale multiplayer maps iterating through gameplay blackouts in a live playtest environment." 

Apex King's Canyon Map

Job listings such as these have often revealed new content in many past games, and though nothing has been confirmed for Apex Legends, this news reveals that something big is on the planning table, and Respawn is eager to jump in. 

Additionally, this post is currently unfilled, so fans of the battle royale will be forced to wait until more steps are taken in this process. But on the bright side, the promise of new content shows that the creators of the game have recognized its popularity and success, and want to help fans enjoy the game even more.

While they wait for this new map, players still have access to try out the new support hero, Loba, and new sections of the fan favorite map, King's Canyon. 

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Kieran Mouritsen
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Apex Legends


Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): EA
Developer(s): Respawn Entertainment
Genres: First-person Shooter
Themes: Science-Fiction
Release Date: 2019-02-04

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