Apex Legends Season 5 Kicks Off With a Changed King's Canyon Map and a New Hero

Apex Legends introduces new support character with the ability to see high tier loot through walls.

By Kiemour, Posted 20 May 2020

EA’s Apex Legends, the free-to-play battle royale that features a number of champions with their own unique abilities, has just released another update for the game, including a new section of its main map, King’s Canyon, and a brand-new support character, known as Loba.

The King’s Canyon update is by far one of the most game changing experiences for all players new and old, due to the new sections of the map that have replaced Skull Town and Thunderdome, two of the higher tier loot locations, as well as a Basic-Mid Tier location called Wetlands. The new areas have been dubbed Salvage, Offshore Rig, and the Capacitor, and a new pathway to Singh Labs has been created, which travels underground. The developers wanted to incorporate a little more lore into the game and its maps especially with the introduction of this new character, who is the reason that Skull Town is in ruins. EA’s David Standley elaborates on why the team came to change the well-known map, saying: “Our primary goal for Season 5 was to change the map flow. We wanted to create something to be mastered within a map that players knew very well. We’re trying to accomplish this in two ways. The first was sinking Skull Town and Thunderdome. It’s a big change, but we hope that by removing them, other parts of the map will shine.” Standley goes on to explain the new Charge Towers that have been installed, allowing an entire squad to charge their ultimate abilities at the same time, and also hints at buried tunnels beneath the ground, which players are encouraged to explore and discover, to understand more of the Apex Legends lore.

Apex Legends, Season 5

The new champion, Loba, is a support character with speed and maneuverability similar to that of Blizzard’s Tracer from Overwatch. Loba’s passive ability, known as Eye for Quality, allows for the player to see purple and gold tier loot through walls and within the immediate vicinity. Her tactical ability, Burglar’s Best Friend, has Loba cast her bracelet into the air, and she quickly teleports to its location, midair or lands directly on the ground below its location. This ability can be useful for getting out of or into conflict, as well as outrunning the Ring, which closes every round. Loba’s ultimate ability is Black Market Boutique, wherein the character slams her caduceus into the ground, and gives teammates the option to loot two of any of the items in the area. If the Boutique is not picked up after teammates have looted, enemy legends will also have access to this deployable.

Apex Legends also received a large amount of new character and weapon nerfs, which change gameplay and reveal that the developers of this unique battle royale are listening to their fans, and changing many legends for the better, such as Mirage’s new ability to control his mimic and its extended duration of 60 seconds. However, some nerfs have made certain players unhappy, specifically the increased cooldown time for Pathfinder’s Grappling Hook, changing the 15 second cooldown to 35 seconds. However, champions aren’t the only things in the game getting nerfed in an attempt to balance the game.

The Mastiff shotgun, one of the games golden and fully equipped weapons, has been nerfed just enough to classify it as a regularly looted gun, and the buffed Peacekeeper has taken its place as the golden shotgun, found specifically in Care Packages. There have also been many bug fixes and an update to the layout of deathboxes, allowing for more structured loot in-game.

Apex Legends, Season 5, Gameplay

Because this patch just launched on May 12, 2020, there are many changes that have yet to be fully explored or encountered, so there is plenty of time to try out Apex Legends and not be left behind.

To see all the patch notes for yourself, go to EA's Patch Note. Apex Legends is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Kieran Mouritsen,
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Apex Legends


Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): EA
Developer(s): Respawn Entertainment
Genres: First-person Shooter
Themes: Science-Fiction
Release Date: 2019-02-04

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