Serious Sam 4 Won't Launch on PS4 or Xbox One Until 2021

Serious Sam 4 will remain an exclusive to Stadia for the year

By Grayshadow, Posted 20 May 2020

Today, a new trailer for Serious Sam 4 dropped along with an official release of August 2020 for Stadia and PC. Those wondering why the PS4 and Xbox One names were not included it's because the game will not come to those platforms until 2021.

Serious Sam 4,NoobFeed,Devolver Digital,

Kotaku reached out to Devolver Digital about this:

“The game is still coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 after its period of exclusivity is over with Stadia,” a rep for publisher Devolver Digital told Kotaku over email, adding that those consoles won’t receive Serious Sam 4 until 2021 after further inquiry.

The last mainline entry in this series released in 2011 so those hoping to play this new installment will need a PC or Google Stadia. PC may be the more appealing platform considering that Stadia has such high internet requirements and generally gamers have to spend more money on games that are priced lower on other platforms.

Serious Sam 4 launches on Stadia and PC this August 2020. With the PS4 and Xbox One versions coming in 2021.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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General Information

Serious Sam 4


Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Devolver Digital
Developer(s): Croteam
Genres: First-Person Shooter
Themes: Adventure, Fantasy Shooter
Release Date: 2021-12-07

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