Square Enix is Asking Those With Early Copies of Final Fantasy VII: Remake Not to Spoil the Game

Square Enix addresses the leaked copies of Final Fantasy VII: Remake

By Grayshadow, Posted 30 Mar 2020

If you've been on Reddit or Twitter you've probably seen people with early copies of Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Turns out those copies are real and Square Enix is aware of the issue. Providing a statement about the reasoning for those and asking fans not to spoil the game before it goes public.

Final Fantasy VII Remake,NoobFeed,Square Enix,

An important message from the #FinalFantasy VII Remake development team. #FF7R pic.twitter.com/UwBMNaIaXX

— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) March 30, 2020

Square Enix stated that due to the COVID-19 global pandemic that they are unable to enforce the embargo dates as shipping issues arise. This means that copies could be late, with some retailers not getting enough day-1 copies to people receiving their copy early.

Because of this Square Enix is asking those with early copies not to spoil the game. Stating how their development team worked extremely hard on this game for those to enjoy. 

Honestly, I thought Square Enix would've implemented the same countermeasure they used in Kingdom Hearts III. With the secret ending added to the game later in a patch. But perhaps this was for the best considering the current reduction in download speeds.

Final Fantasy VII Remake launches this April 10th for PS4. If you want to better prepare yourself, you can read our 5 things you should know about Final Fantasy VII Remake before it launches.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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