Dead Rising 2: Case West

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Dead Rising 2: Case West

Dead Rising 2: Case West is a sucker punch to the gut and a spit in the face to Dead Rising fans.

by CallMeLuke, 02 Jan 2011

Dead Rising 2 arrives in an era that benefits it more than its predecessor. Now that downloadable content is all the rage, Capcom can further expound on their games' stories by releasing DLC for them. They released a prologue to Dead Rising 2 titled Case Zero that gave gamers...

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    • 65/100

    Dead Rising 2: Case West

    By CallMeLuke, Posted 02 Jan 2011

    Dead Rising 2 arrives in an era that benefits it more than its predecessor. Now that downloadable content is all the rage, Capcom can further expound on their games' stories by

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox 360
Publisher(s): Capcom
Developer(s): Blue Castle Games
Genres: Action, Adventure
Themes: Horror
Release Date: 2010-12-27

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