Wooden Sen'Sey

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Wooden Sen'Sey

Wooden Sen'Sey gives a lesson in fiddly controls

by Woozie, 18 Dec 2013

I reckon few people nowadays aspire to or fantasize about how it would have been to occupy the position of village chief back in the day when village chiefs were a more common thing. While the quantity of paperwork to be dealt with would be a debatable subject, having to pick up ...

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    • 64/100

    Wooden Sen'Sey

    By Woozie, Posted 18 Dec 2013

    I reckon few people nowadays aspire to or fantasize about how it would have been to occupy the position of village chief back in the day when village chiefs were a more common thin

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General Information

Platform(s): PC
Publisher(s): Neko Entertainment
Developer(s): Upper Byte Studio
Genres: Platformer
Themes: Action
Release Date: 2012-12-08