Game of the Month, January 2018

What was the best game of the month?

By Grayshadow, Posted 31 Jan 2018

It seems like 2018 just started but January is almost over. Usually, the start of the year is slow with many gamers attempting to finish the previous holiday releases and developers focusing on projects later on in the year. However, this January we saw the release of many incredible games. But what was the best? Before we choose one let look back at all the great games that released this month.

Dragon Ball FighterZ,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,Arc System Works,

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Capturing the high speed and destructive combat of the Dragon Ball universe is no small feat, but Arc System Works have successfully accomplished this with Dragon Ball FighterZ. Boosting a robust selection of characters from the franchise, a story worthy of canon, and combat mechanics that rival the best fighting games ever made Dragon Ball FighterZ excels in so many categories.

Batman,The Enemy Within,Episode 4,Telltale Games,NoobFeed,

Batman The Enemy Within Episode 4: What Ails You

Batman has gone through a lot this season of Telltale's Batman series. Infiltrating a crime syndicate and being blackmailed into service for a power hunger government agent. Now Batman must attempt to salvage what remains of his personal and professional life to save the people he cares about most.

Episode 4 delivers on setting up for the final episode of this season by providing critical decisions and new choices to make. Hopefully Telltale can finish off this season with a bang.

Pokemon Crystal,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal isn't a remastered version of the original game. Instead, it's the same game that released on the Game Boy Color. Included are new network options for wireless battle and trading, along with Pokemon Bank support but the core game remains unchanged. So what is it on this list?

Pokemon Crystal is considered one of the best in the series. Not only does it provide an excellent story but the best example of end-game content. Allowing players to travel the Kanto region after completing the Jhoto region, complete with gym battles with high-leveled trainers.


Beholder: Complete Edition

What would you do to survive? Would put your family first, your job as a government agent, or try and help everyone? All these choices are put on your desk in Beholder.

As Carl Stein, a landlord of an apartment block by the Ministry of Allocation, your job is to keep the peace and enforce the law set by the government or face the consequences. You'll spy on your tenants to make sure they're obeying the law either through surveillance or manipulation. In addition, the complete edition includes a prequel to the events of the main game.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter,NoobFeed,

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Right from the start, the developers of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter make it clear, this game does not hold your hand. You're placed in this open world to find a boy named Ethan Carter who's asked for help. The beautiful world of Red Creek has some dark secrets and it's up to you to uncover what this small town is hiding.

What made The Vanishing of Ethan Carter such a stellar adventure was its retro exploration system. You're given no direction but clues of where to go next. It can be vexing at times but as the title started, this game doesn't hold your hand.

Monster Hunter World,NoobFeed,Capcom,

Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World entire game is a playground. Full of diverse monsters, each with their unique fighting style, behavior, and weaknesses. What brings this world to life is the ecology of each region, with a system where the creatures all behave in a specific way that promotes dynamic battles.

Monster Hunter: World isn't for the faint of heart. It's a complicated game that requires a lot of learning to full understanding the mechanics of the game, but it's also built to give newcomers a chance to fully grasp the systems. With a robust tutorial system, gamers can gain a footing of the world including all the RPG elements and how to become a capable hunter.

Dragon Ball FighterZ,NoobFeed,Bandai Namco,Arc System Works,

Winner: Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball FighterZ excels beyond expectations. Anyone who watched the anime or read the manga knows that this franchise isn't easy to adapt into a video game. Having accomplished this Arc System Works has crafted a fighting game that anyone can play but complex enough for competitive gamers.

What was your favorite game 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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    By Grayshadow, Posted Apr 23, 2018

    e've yet to reach the mid-point of 2018 but have already seen so many great games released this year. Each one exceeding expectations and getting gamers excited for what is yet


General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Bandai Namco
Developer(s): Arc System Works
Genres: 2D Fighter
Themes: Fighter
Release Date: 2018-02

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